Cat rescued from restaurant ceiling in New Bedford

New Bedford Restaurant’s Ceiling Surprise: A Cat’s Daring Rescue

In Boston, a heartwarming story unfolds as a mother cat and her kittens find a temporary home with the Animal Rescue League of Boston. This tale of rescue began in an unexpected place—a restaurant ceiling in New Bedford. The discovery was made when restaurant staff and a local individual who feeds cats noticed the mother cat in the vicinity. Concern grew when the soft sounds of kittens were heard from above.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston was promptly contacted. Their Field Services team was quick to respond, uncovering a hidden space between the walls and a hole in the ceiling. With careful coordination, one team member, supported by another, managed to retrieve the four kittens from their precarious position. Despite efforts to lure the mother cat with food and the sound of her kittens, she remained elusive.

A humane trap was set up in the ceiling space. Meanwhile, the kittens were taken to the Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center for proper care. The mother cat, perhaps realizing the safety and care at stake, entered the trap around 11 p.m. and was safely retrieved by the Animal Rescue League the following day.

Now three weeks old, the kittens are being weaned from their mother and will soon be ready for adoption. This incident highlights the resilience of community cats and the importance of providing shelter and care, especially for the vulnerable kittens born during this time of year. The Animal Rescue League of Boston emphasizes the need for public awareness and action when cats with offspring are discovered, urging people to contact their Field Services for assistance.

For those looking to help or learn more, the Animal Rescue League’s Field Services can be reached at 617-426-9170 ext. 563. This story not only showcases the dedication of the Animal Rescue League of Boston but also serves as a reminder of the community’s role in safeguarding the well-being of animals.

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