A startling incident unfolded on a bustling Florida beach during spring break, captured through the lens of police bodycam footage. Officers found themselves in a high-stakes chase after a teenage suspect, believed to be dealing drugs, brandished a firearm amidst the holiday crowd.
The scene took place in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where the beach was teeming with spring break revelers. Chaos erupted around 3:45 p.m. on a Thursday when a fight broke out. Deputies, already present near the commotion, witnessed the young suspect pull out a gun amidst the crowded beach.
In response, one of the officers drew his own weapon, demanding the teenager to drop his firearm with a stern command. However, the suspect ignored the officer’s orders and fled, leading the police on a chase that ended with him running into the ocean. There, surrounded by officers on the shore with their guns drawn, he stood in knee-deep water.
After several tense minutes, the standoff concluded with the suspect’s surrender. The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office later confirmed the recovery of the gun and a bag from the water, which contained 20 small plastic bags of marijuana.
The suspect was identified as 16-year-old Felixander Solis-Guzman. Facing multiple charges, including three counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and possession of a firearm by a person under 18, Solis-Guzman’s actions led to serious consequences. Originating from Lakeland, he was also found to have seven active no-bond warrants from Orange County for charges including robbery with a firearm and probation violation.
In light of his actions, the Office of the State Attorney announced that Solis-Guzman would be prosecuted as an adult. State Attorney R.J. Larizza emphasized the gravity of bringing drugs and a gun to Volusia County during spring break, warning of the severe repercussions for such reckless behavior.
Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood issued a stern warning on social media, emphasizing the county’s zero-tolerance stance towards juvenile delinquency leading to adult criminal charges and potential prison time.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible behavior, especially during times of celebration like spring break.