In the North Side community, efforts are underway to support the family of 11-year-old Jayden Perkins, tragically lost in a violent incident. This event also left his pregnant mother in critical condition. It happened on a Wednesday morning in Edgewater.
Peirce Elementary School, along with Friends of Peirce, the Smith & Turner Family, and Gus Giordano Dance School, are all coming together to honor Jayden. They describe him as an extraordinary young individual, held in high esteem by both his classmates and educators.
Through an online fundraising campaign, these organizers share memories of Jayden. They highlight his academic and artistic achievements, leadership skills, and compassionate demeanor. Jayden was always ready to help others and had a special talent for mediating disputes among his friends. His vibrant spirit and positive attitude made a lasting impact on everyone he met.
Jayden enjoyed being with his friends, engaging in sports, and participating in theater activities. His mother, who once worked as a recess coach at Peirce Elementary, later pursued a career in the medical field.
Mayor Brandon Johnson has expressed deep sorrow over Jayden’s passing, referring to him as a beacon of hope in his community. The Mayor’s thoughts are with Jayden’s family during this difficult time, and he emphasizes the community’s collective mourning and the hope for his mother’s recovery. Jayden’s premature departure is a loss that will not be forgotten.
As of Saturday morning, contributions to support Jayden’s family have surpassed $80,000. A 37-year-old man faces charges for the heinous act of fatally stabbing Jayden and injuring his mother. This tragic event occurred just before 8 a.m. on Wednesday in the 5900 block of North Ravenswood Avenue, as reported by Chicago police.