On a tragic Saturday morning in Falls Township, a series of violent incidents unfolded, resulting in the deaths of two women and a teenage girl. Another woman was severely beaten and needed hospital care. The investigation is ongoing, with 26-year-old Andre Gordon Jr. identified as the suspect behind these heinous acts. Here, we share the information currently available about the victims.
Kera Gordon, a 13-year-old student at Boehm Middle School in the Pennsbury School District, and her stepmother, 52-year-old Karen Murphy-Gordon, were the initial victims of this spree. The attack occurred after Andre Gordon Jr. broke into their home on Viewpoint Lane, as stated by the authorities. Kera, an eighth-grader, is believed to have lived there with her parents and a sister. In response to this tragedy, Pennsbury officials have arranged for counselors to be available to support students, families, and staff.
Karen Murphy-Gordon, Kera’s mother and Andre’s stepmother, was also a victim of the violence. She operated a tax preparation business from their Levittown home in the Vermillion Hills section, where the family has resided since 2008. Neighbors described the family as Jamaican and friendly, often exchanging greetings in their peaceful community. Other family members were present during the incident, though their exact relation to Karen and Kera has not been disclosed.
Taylor Daniel, 26, another victim, was allegedly shot and killed by Gordon at her home on Edgewood Lane, following the initial violence. Taylor and Gordon, both graduates of Pennsbury High School in 2016, had two daughters together, who were fortunately unharmed. Taylor pursued a degree in criminal justice at Bucks County Community College starting in August 2016. Her Facebook page, last updated in August 2022, showcases her life with her daughters. The nature of her relationship with Gordon at the time of the incident remains unclear, despite their shared history and residence according to public records.
Nancy Daniel, Taylor’s mother, survived an attack by Gordon, who reportedly used an AR 15 rifle. She was hospitalized but is expected to recover. A family photo on Nancy’s Facebook page, celebrating the birth of Taylor’s youngest daughter, includes Gordon, hinting at their shared children. The family has faced previous loss, with Taylor’s father, Nancy’s husband, passing away from lung cancer in January 2022.
As more details emerge, we will continue to update on the victims of the Levittown shootings.