In a tragic event in Bucks County, a man took the lives of three individuals, including his 13-year-old sister, early on a Saturday morning. He then fled the scene in a stolen vehicle, sparking an urgent manhunt.
The incident unfolded in Levittown, where at around 8:52 a.m., 26-year-old Andre Gordon fatally shot two people at a residence on Viewpoint Lane. The local police were quickly alerted to the violence.
Shortly after, a call led Falls Township Police to another location on Edgewood Lane, where they discovered a third victim. This individual was attempting to escape the area when Gordon ended their life.
In a desperate bid to evade capture, Gordon stole a car from a bystander at a Dollar General store in Morrisville at approximately 9:13 a.m. He was last seen driving a dark gray 2016 Honda CRV, identifiable by a unique “Namaste” sticker and bearing the Pennsylvania license plate KFR1534.
The identities of the victims remain undisclosed, but reports suggest they were acquainted with Gordon. Described as a slender man, about 6′1″ tall, and last seen wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, Gordon is known to frequent the Trenton, N.J., area.
Authorities believe Gordon was armed with an assault rifle, which was reportedly used in the shootings, and possibly other weapons. The community is urged to stay vigilant and report any information related to Gordon or his whereabouts by calling 911 or the provided contact number, 215-328-8501.