Steven Knight brings to life “This Town,” a captivating series that dives into the heart of Birmingham’s music scene during the 1980s, a time marked by significant social changes. The show, drawing inspiration from the visual and thematic elements of “Peaky Blinders,” promises to deliver a rich historical experience on BBC One. Audiences can look forward to its premiere in March 2024 on BBC One.
A newly released trailer for “This Town” offers a glimpse into the upcoming show by Steven Knight, the creative mind behind “Peaky Blinders.” Directed by Paul Whittington of “The Crown” fame, this BBC series narrates the journey of young musicians navigating the tumultuous music scene of 1980s Birmingham. Amidst social, political, and economic turmoil, the series features performances by Levi Brown, Jordan Bolger, Eve Austin, and Ben Rose. The show is set to make its debut on March 31 on BBC One.
In anticipation of “This Town’s” release, the BBC has shared an official trailer for the six-part miniseries, highlighting the drama’s intense and violent setting.
The trailer for “This Town” revisits the iconic riots of 1981, setting the stage in Birmingham, much like “Peaky Blinders.” Steven Knight promises a narrative filled with crime and intrigue, reminiscent of his previous work, set against the backdrop of one of the 1980s’ most influential music scenes.
Steven Knight’s new series pays homage to “Peaky Blinders” by exploring a unique period in modern history through the lens of an underground subculture.
Steven Knight, renowned for his historical narratives, including “Peaky Blinders” and “Taboo,” continues to captivate audiences with “This Town.” By focusing on compelling fictional characters, Knight shines a light on fascinating historical periods, promising another engaging story with “This Town.”
The early 1980s in England, despite being a period of social unrest and economic difficulty, also saw the emergence of a revolutionary music scene. “This Town” captures this era in Birmingham, highlighting the origins of iconic bands like Duran Duran, UB40, and Dexys Midnight Runners.
The cast of “This Town” includes Levi Brown as Danta Williams, Jordan Bolger as Gregory Williams, Ben Rose as Bardon Quinn, Eve Austin as Jeannie Keefe, Michelle Dockery as Estella, Nicholas Pinnock as Deuce Williams, and David Dawson as Robbie Carmen.
Just as “Peaky Blinders” brought to life the post-World War I era in Birmingham, “This Town” aims to explore a significant modern historical period through a specific underground subculture. The show’s potential to achieve widespread acclaim, much like “Peaky Blinders,” is evident, with all the elements in place for another captivating story.
For more information, visit the BBC’s official trailer.