A heartbreaking event has struck Cara Delevingne, the renowned actress and model. Reports emerged late last week that a fire ravaged the Los Angeles home of the British celebrity. The fire was extinguished after the valiant efforts of many firefighters, but the damage was irreversible. Delevingne has now shared her thoughts on the incident. Despite her heartache, she expressed her gratitude for the safety of her beloved cats and the support she has received.
Cara Delevingne, at 31 years old, faced a devastating fire at her Studio City residence in the early hours of Friday, March 16. Firefighters rushed to the scene around 4 a.m. PT, and it took 94 individuals working tirelessly for two hours to quell the flames, as reported by CNN. Following this harrowing experience, Delevingne took to Instagram to thank those who battled the fire, sharing her feelings through a series of posts.
The fire initially broke out at the back of the house and quickly spread to the attic, leading to the collapse of the roof. Delevingne was particularly worried about the safety of her two cats, fearing the worst. However, she later joyfully announced on Instagram that her cats were safe, sharing a touching message about the ordeal.
Delevingne, a cast member of “American Horror Story Season 12,” also posted a somber reflection on the loss of her home, which she purchased in 2019. She reached out to her followers, sharing the emotional toll the incident has taken on her. Known for her openness, Delevingne has previously spoken about personal challenges and experiences, including her coming out and a difficult moment in 2022 involving a paparazzi altercation with Margot Robbie. This recent tragedy is another significant event in her life, yet she remains thankful for the well-being of herself and her pets.
Cara Delevingne’s parents also shared insights into the fire. While attending a performance of “Cabaret” in London’s West End, where their daughter has been performing, they spoke about the incident. Her father suggested an electrical issue caused by high winds in California might be to blame, as reported by The Sun UK. He revealed Cara’s devastation over the loss. The Los Angeles Fire Department has yet to confirm the cause officially.
Pandora Stevens, Delevingne’s mother, echoed the sentiment of loss, highlighting the personal significance of the home to her daughter. Despite the tragedy, it’s a relief that no severe injuries were reported, including the cats’ safety. As Cara Delevingne navigates through this challenging time, many are sending their well-wishes and support for her recovery and future endeavors.