In Sioux City, a dedicated volunteer at Noah’s Hope Animal Rescue has decided to retire. Wade Swords, a name synonymous with commitment and love for animals, has been a pillar of the organization since its inception. His journey with Noah’s Hope has been marked by countless acts of kindness, from rescuing sick and injured animals to ensuring they reach their vet appointments and loving homes.
Swords’ role at Noah’s Hope has been multifaceted. Brenda Iwen, from Noah’s Hope, shared, “He’s been with me from the very beginning. We’ve traveled countless miles together.” Swords has played a crucial role as a trapper, transporter, foster parent, and temperament tester. His dedication is evident in his readiness to help at any moment.
For Swords, the reward comes from witnessing the transformation of animals. He has seen many animals in dire situations find hope and happiness in their new homes. “Seeing a dog recover and find a loving family is incredibly fulfilling,” Swords expressed. His journey with Noah’s Hope also includes adopting several dogs, finding joy in seeing them thrive in their forever homes.
Noah’s Hope is always looking for volunteers who share the same passion as Swords. Whether it’s fostering, adopting, or simply supporting their mission, there are numerous ways to contribute.
Interested individuals can learn more about fostering or adopting a pet through Noah’s Hope’s official Facebook Page. The page is a hub for information on the latest rescues, available pets, and volunteer opportunities.
For those eager to make a difference in the lives of animals, connecting with Noah’s Hope on Facebook is a great start.