A captivating tale unfolded as a pet parrot named Samba found its way back home, thanks to its owner’s clever use of Doritos. The story begins with Samba, a 15-year-old Catalina macaw, also known as a rainbow macaw, escaping during a photoshoot and taking refuge in a 40-foot-tall tree in Lewisville, Texas. For three days, the bird remained perched high above, undisturbed by any attempts to coax it down, including various snacks.
Giulio Ferrari, Samba’s dedicated owner, spent sleepless nights worrying about his feathered friend’s safety. Despite efforts involving the fire department, tree climbers, and food, nothing seemed to work. That is until Ferrari introduced a bag of Doritos. The irresistible snack proved to be the key, as Samba couldn’t resist the temptation and eventually came close enough for Ferrari to grab him.
Ferrari, who typically avoids feeding Samba “junk food,” expressed his relief and joy at having his beloved parrot back. He likened the anxiety of the past few days to the worry a parent feels for a child in danger. Ferrari humorously noted that Samba seemed to enjoy the chips a bit too much, suggesting it was a special occasion for indulgence.
After the successful rescue, Ferrari took Samba to the vet for a check-up. Despite an encounter with hawks while in the tree, Samba appeared happy and healthy. This unique story of a pet parrot lured down from a tree with Doritos has captured the hearts of many, showcasing the lengths to which pet owners will go for their beloved animals.