In Lewisville, Texas, a man experienced a heartwarming reunion with his unique and cherished pet bird after a tense three-day ordeal. The bird, a 15-year-old Catalina Macaw, found itself trapped in towering 40-foot trees. This unexpected adventure began during a photo shoot on Sunday when something startled the bird, causing it to seek refuge high above.
The efforts to bring him down were numerous and varied. The bird’s owners, local firefighters, and even skilled tree climbers tried their hand at the rescue, but to no avail. For three days, the Macaw named Samba, overlooked offerings of food and seemed indifferent to the rescue attempts. However, an unlikely hero emerged in the form of Doritos. Samba’s owner, Giulio Ferrari, discovered that the bird couldn’t resist the allure of the snack.
Ferrari explained, “I don’t usually indulge him with junk food like this.” Yet, it was the Doritos that eventually coaxed Samba close enough for Ferrari to safely grab him. Overjoyed, Ferrari exclaimed, “We did it! Three days!” Following the ordeal, Samba was understandably exhausted and hungry but, most importantly, safe.
The emotional toll on Ferrari was significant, likening the experience to having a child stuck in a tree, unreachable for days. “I’m relieved. I haven’t slept well in three days because it’s like your child. Your child is up stuck in a tree, and nobody can get him down. We tried with the fire department, we tried with tree climbers, and we tried food. Now he’s eating, now he’s eating the whole bag,” Ferrari shared.
Describing the day of the rescue as “special,” Ferrari noted that Samba deserved the extra calories and was visibly happier. The immediate next step was a visit to the vet to ensure Samba was alright, especially since he had encounters with hawks while stranded. Fortunately, Samba appeared to be in good spirits and happy to be back in the comforting presence of his owner.
This unique story of persistence, unconventional rescue methods, and the strong bond between a pet and its owner highlights the lengths to which people will go to ensure the safety of their beloved animals.