For Amy Chruniak, running 'is my own form of therapy'

Amy Chruniak Finds Solace in Running: Her Personal Therapy Journey

In our special series “Why I’m Running,” we hear from Boston Marathon participants about their inspiration for joining the 26.2-mile journey from Hopkinton to Boston. If you’re gearing up for the marathon, we invite you to share your story with us.

Meet Amy Chruniak, a 38-year-old runner from Beverly. For Amy, the Boston Marathon holds a deep, personal significance. She recalls running her first Boston Marathon in 2018, a memorable experience intensified by the fact that she had just discovered she was pregnant with her first son, Max. The weather on race day was incredibly challenging, yet crossing the finish line and subsequently receiving medical attention for hypothermia remains a powerful memory for her.

Fortuitously, a corporate sponsor recognized her remarkable story of running while pregnant, offering her another chance to participate in 2019. Amy began her training in January, right after being medically cleared post-C-section. The sight of her son Max, then just 20 weeks old, cheering her on at Mile 18, made all the training sacrifices worthwhile. Training for the marathon provided a much-needed focus during her postpartum period.

Since then, Amy has welcomed another son, Myles, into her life, and running continues to play a significant role. It serves as her personal therapy and a way to maintain her mental health, set and achieve goals, and carve out an identity beyond motherhood. Most importantly, it allows her to set a powerful example for her sons about the value of hard work.

Amy dreams of continuing to run the Boston Marathon. Despite narrowly missing a Boston Qualifier (BQ) time at the Hyannis Marathon in 2023 by just 18 seconds, she didn’t give up on her dream. Her persistence paid off when she was selected as one of 15 runners to represent Team Honda in the 2024 Boston Marathon. Team Honda aims to raise $60,000 for Dana Farber, with each runner contributing $4,000 to the cause.

So, if you’re watching the marathon, keep an eye out for Amy in her Team Honda singlet and give her a cheer. Her journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the deep, personal meanings that the Boston Marathon can hold.

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Editor’s note: This story has been carefully edited for clarity and grammar.