Chicago boy stabbed to death after protecting his mother from ex-boyfriend who was released from prison the day before

Chicago Teen Heroically Defends Mother, Fatally Stabbed by Recently Released Ex-Convict

In Chicago, a tragic event unfolded when an 11-year-old boy lost his life trying to save his pregnant mother from her ex-boyfriend’s knife attack. This incident happened on a Wednesday. The ex-boyfriend had just been released from prison the day before this heartbreaking occurrence.

The attacker, 37-year-old Crosetti Brand, is accused of the fatal stabbing of the young boy, Jayden Perkins, and the attack on his 33-year-old mother. Brand’s criminal history includes a 16-year sentence for home invasion and aggravated assault, and he was paroled from the Stateville Correctional Center on Tuesday.

The attack took place in the family’s Edgewater home in Illinois. Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling described the assault as “brutal” during a press conference on Friday. It occurred as the mother was about to take her two children to school at around 8:00 a.m.

Jayden Perkins bravely intervened to protect his mother but was tragically stabbed in the chest near their home’s doorway. The attack was also witnessed by the woman’s five-year-old son. Both the mother and her eldest son were urgently taken to the hospital for treatment.

Brand faces multiple charges, including first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, and several counts related to home invasion, armed robbery, and domestic battery. This was reported by WLT.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx expressed the need for confidence in the criminal justice system, acknowledging the rarity but horrific nature of such incidents. She emphasized the importance of evaluating the case to identify any gaps in the justice system that allowed a dangerous offender to commit such acts. The goal is to prevent similar tragedies in the future.